Monday, September 3, 2012


 Last summer Ruger played baseball and he thought it was so boring. So this year I was a little more ahead of the game and made sure that I got him signed up for soccer. He and Sawyer both played and they LOVED it, especially Ruger. He was such a team player and did great blocking the ball from the other team.
 I actually looked forward to game days and so did the rest of the family. Sawyer did great the first few games, but after that he became really bored. I'd try and pack snacks but it never seemed to be enough, so then he'd dig into Remi's food. Silly boy.
 Remi was so good to just sit in her stroller or on the grass and watch. She loved it too!
 She didn't like her mama constantly taking pictures though. :)
 I think Sawyer actually took this picture below. I have hundreds of pictures of Ruger playing and just a few of Sawyer on my phone because Sawyer took all of Ruger's pics.
 And then, he'd go back to bugging his sister.

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