Thursday, November 8, 2012

Shore Bag KIT Giveaway!!!

I have been so overwhelmed with gratitude lately on the response that I've received for my Shore bag pattern. And I thought that it would be fun to do a giveaway, since it's been awhile since I've had one.
The giveaway is for a COMPLETE kit to make The Shore Bag!
Which includes:
One Shore Bag Pattern
Fabric for the Pattern
Fusible fleece
One magnetic snap
4 silver sliders
All you have to do is leave me a comment about your quarkiest quirkiest feature.
 For example: Mine is that I can touch my nose with my toe without bending my knee! :-)
I will pick a winner on Monday, so spread the word and make sure you enter!!! Also, if you like my facebook page, I MIGHT have a second place prize for my followers there. ;-)
On a side note: The black sliders (as seen in photo above) are out of stock. I will be using silver sliders for all custom orders. Thus far, they have received great reviews.
All Christmas orders for the Shore bag MUST be placed by midnight on November 15th! 



Joy said...

Oh my gosh.. I want that bag :) I am trying to think.. what can I do lol... I can curl m lip like Elvis did.. lol

Unknown said...

Love it! I can curl my tongue to the side like a 'c' instead of just down the middle like a 'u'. :)

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Darling bag! It would be fun in any fabric! If you pour out a bag of peanut M&Ms on the table, I can pick out which ones don't have a peanut in them without biting or breaking them open! I'm correct about 99% of the time! Now THAT's talent you can take to the bank! :)


Sara said...

I love that bag! I can move my pinky toe independent of the rest of my toes. What a great giveaway! Thank you!

Lisa said...

Ooooh, that is an awesome giveaway. I have no tricks... unless you count dancing like Elaine? (on Seinfeld.) And not in a sarcastic/ironic way.

Ashley and Jason Faucett said...

I suppose mine would be making my fingers click like I'm snapping but really clapping them together. I can also pinch with my toes like my mom :) I do love this bag as I do all your bags :)

Cecilia said...

I love your bag! I'm trying to think what I can do, but the only thing I can think of is I can wiggle my ears, a little. :-) thanks for the chance to win such a cute bag kit.

Rebecca said...

Love this bag. My quirkiest thing would be like a couple others I can curl my lip like Elvis or move my pinky toe independent of the rest. Nothing super cool, no ear wiggling or anything like that.

Annalee Taylor said...

Im praying really hard to win this baby!!
My quirk... I think you have seen it... I can touch my knees together with my feet about a foot apart, I look like a penguin. Its pretty tight!

Norma's Bag Boutique said...

Beautiful bag and I also love the fabrics used. Oh my! I really don't think I have any quirks.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh what a great bag! I can cross my pinky and ring finger on both hands without using my other hand to help the pinky over the top of the ring finger. If I keep them crossed til Monday, maybe it will bring me luck! Thanks for the chance!

From the Heart Needleart said...

I LOVE my Tiffany Bag! It would be so fun to have another one. Can't think of a quirk, I'll have to ask my husband. I 'm sure he can think of plenty. - Wendy Peatross

Kami Gimenez said...

I LOVE the bag, so when I read this post I looked at my kiddos and asked, "What's my querkiest feature?" My 16 year old laughed and said, "I don't know" (While holding his finger under his nose and hand around his chin (moustache style to mimick me) So, I do that quite often, and was absent-mindedly doing it when I asked!

Anonymous said...

I can touch my nose with my tongue

I can also put my hands behind my back,prayers style

Fran said...

I am not really sure but I guess that I can (and do) pick up things with my toes. :) thanks for the great giveaway!

Ruth Zellmer said...

Cutest bag EVER. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue! Is that a quirky talent??

Cheme' said...

I love this bag! I can wiggle my ears. I don't know if it is really that cool, but u I have seen President Monson do it before!

Jenny and Travis said...

Your designs are amazing! I can flare my nostrils (compliments of my coach husband), & can pop a vein in my hand over one of my hand bones.

Jenny and Travis said...

Your designs are amazing! I can flare my nostrils (compliments of my coach husband), & can pop a vein in my hand over one of my hand bones.

Kendal said...

I can touch my tongue to the tip of my nose. :)

DaisyLiz said...

Baby laxative. Seriously. People have always handed me their babies and the babies poop within minutes. Discovering it's different with my own, but the magic still works with other babies! Speaking of the subject, this bag looks like the diaper bag of my dreams...

CK said...

Great design. I can wink both eyes at once.

kkyc816 said...

What a beautiful bag!! quirks? I don't know... Maybe the quirkiest thing about me is that the only time in my life I was able to touch my toes without bending my knees was a 3 months period 3 years ago. Not even as a little kid could I do it...

Kathy MacKie said...

I can still touch my toes at my age-wink, wink!

Rachelle said...

I can hear when my kids are getting up to things they shouldn't be. I think that's the closest thing I have to a quirk.

Kristen said...

This is a beautiful bag! I can wiggle my ears.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway!! I would love to win this bag! I guess my quirk is that I can roll my tongue...Seamus calls it the "hot dog bun!"

WCreativeDesigns said...

What a fun give away! Well I am hand crafting all my gifts for Christmas this year so this one would be to me from me. I guess my quark is that I turn just about anything into a song. Do you know that you can get your kids to eat their veggies quicker if you sing about it. Heck if I won this I might even be able to turn this give away into a song.....well I might embarass my self so I guess not. Hope it's me!

Jessica said...

I don't know if I have anything quirky but I was born in Germany and speak fluent German even though I now have lived in the US over 12 years, but I was told by friends that I sometimes speak german in my sleep. :)

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

i can wiggle my ears and nose -- and i can also cross my toes!! i absolutely love this bag and it would be a great bag for when i have my baby :)

Clif and Syd said...

Cute bag! I just love it! I can roll my tongue like a drum roll and also roll the sides up.

Unknown said...

I just found your site through Pinterest and I love the bag! I can only wink with one eye. Weird and quirky!

Kaytee said...

love this bag!!! I can dance just like one of those inflatable people that they blow air into,they bend up and down and arms all over, like you see at used car lots. I am tall and thin so it looks pretty spot on I think. oooh hope I win!

hardybabies said...

Awesome Bag and My quirl would be I can tie a shoe with my toes..

Amy K. said...

I would love to make one of these bags! I keep seeing it pop up on pinterest an finally clicked to see where it went.
PS, Luv the blog, too!
I Do have one little (quirky) trick. I can pick up anything with my toes. No Joke. I can have a basket of laundry- drop a sock- stop, pick up the sock and put it back in the basket with my toes. its used so much that my one year old daughter thinks she can pick things up with her feet too.

HansonLife said...

I can touch my thumbs to my forearm. That bag is so cute!!!

hollymade said...

What a great looking bag!

Pretty boring, but I can wiggle my ears!

Tyler and Jen Christensen said...

This bag would be perfect for my next diaper bag! We are having ANOTHER boy in March which will make FIVE boys! AHH! What have we gotten ourselves into :)

One quirky thing about me is that my feet make a cracking noise (kind of like popping knuckles) when I rock back and forth from my heels to my toes.

Unknown said...

I LOVE this bag!

When my husband is out of town (which is a lot recently) I have this weird urge to re-organize everything in my cupboards and drawers. When he gets home he cant find anything. My mom calls that quirky. My husband calls it annoying.

Hope I win! :)

carole said...

love the bag.......cant think of any quirks right now....maybe typing here without a light

Kacie & Aaron said...

I don't think I'm all that quirky.... but I do need a new diaper bag!! So darling! I've got to copy another poster and say that I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue! And take off a starburst wrapper!

Kacie & Aaron said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

Love that bag! Would make a great diaper bag for baby number four, due in April!

Quirky....I used to knot cherry stems with my tongue for free drinks at a local bar in college. WAY before we started having the kiddos. Lol!

The Rosenau's said...

Beautiful Bag! Thanks for a chance to win! I can roll my tongue :P

MJCastleton said...

Love the colors! I can gleek. ;-) Quirky Quirky!

Crystal said...

This bag is awesome! I'm not usually a crafty person, but I LOVE this bag and would make it in a heartbeat. Quirky thing I can do? How about burp on demand? Not big, loud burps, but "petite" burps, one right after the other. :)

Amanda said...

LOVE this bag. I can move my eyes back and forth very quickly so that it looks like they're wiggling. Sort of hard to explain, but that's probably my quirkiest talent!

The Hardesty Family said...

Radical bag! My quirkiest talent is I can cross only one of my eyes!

Anonymous said...

This bag is fabulous! I can do a very realistic baby cry through my nose.

Amber said...

Darling bag! I can throw a remote with my foot :)

Vanessa said...

Oh how fun! I love your bag, and I'd love to make one. Fingers crossed!

I can touch my tongue to my nose and I can't sit crossed-legged, so when I sit on the floor I have this really weird position that I have to sit in.

Molly Campbell said...

So cute, I would love this! One of my quirkiest things - whenever I look through photo galleries online, if I know how many photos are in the gallery, I count along as I look. I drive myself nuts doing it, but I can't help it!

Amy said...

I can't hold up my three middle fingers to count 3. My ring fingers on both hands won't go up, they just stick strait out. My family makes fun of me :)

Super cute bag!

Proud Mama said...

I LOVE the bag! I don't have any interesting quirk, but my husband does, so I'm entering him. He can flip people off with his toes!....something he figured out on his mission lol

heleen said...

What a lovely bag. I'm really dull, but my daughter can curl her fingers behind each other. that's quite strange to see.

Deb said...

My nostrils are shaped like triangles and when I laugh they flare out like circles. My kids think it is gross. Love the bag.

biscuitsandbobbins said...

Love the shore bag! My quirkiest trait is that I can curl my tongue like a clam shell!

-K said...

The bag is fantastic! I'd love to win this & make it for my sister. It'd be the perfect diaper bag for my new nieces! I can put my feet on my head in a sort of reverse back bend.

Anne said...

I can...move my nostrils?(like..expand?) I know! pretty interesting!

Evan and Jen said...

I can pick up most anything with my toes, and I would LOVE this bag!!!

Evan and Jen said...

I can pick up most anything with my toes, and I would LOVE this bag!!!

Caroline said...

Awesome Bag!! I can ripple my tongue ( kind of like a 'W')


Erin Lemons said...

I love this bag!! I can bend my thumb back and rest it on the top oft hand:)

Misti said...

I love the bag! I can make a really loud distinct cracking noise with my tongue.

cc said...

I hope I'm not to late to enter! I love the bag and pattern! Ok my quirk would be I can make my face so scary that my children even get scared of me:-) and they are 5 big boys! Thanks for the chance, cherie

jade said...

i pick up lots of things with my toes. i've become pretty good at it over the years!
thanks to pinterest for bringing me to your wonderful blog and bags--keep up the good work!

jade said...

i pick up lots of things with my toes. i've become pretty good at it over the years!
thanks to pinterest for bringing me to your wonderful blog and bags--keep up the good work!

Jennifer said...

my elbows both used to hyperextend. Then I broke one while I was snowboarding. So it doesn't even extend the whole way anymore (just shy of flat) and the other still does. So that's really odd.

Shannon @ said...

just found your blog it! I am your newest follower :) My quirky thing is that every time my legs bend, my knees crack. They have done this since I was a kid :) Shannon

Michelle Williford said...

Love your bag! My quirkiest feature would have to be my calves which I have been told should be called cows because they are so big.

Michelle said...

Just found you from pinterest. LOVE the bag!

Quirkiest feature... That's a tough one. My uneven nostrils I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous bag!! Hope I made it in time for the for quirky... I can stop the blood flow on my wrist veins and you can actually see it start up again...kinda crazy :)

Gale, Ky quilter said...

So gorgeous! The design & colors are awesome! My quirkiest feature - my hands are not the same size. My left hand is feminine & my fingers are shaped like my Mom's & my right hand is larger & my fingers are shaped like my Dad's. (I can't believe I just posted this. Shows you how bad I would love to win.) ;)

Liv2KnitNSew said...

Just found your blog, and I love this bag! Hmmm, can bend my thumbs backward at a 90 degree angle. Thanks for the giveaway!

P Family said...

It was worth opening this just to read everyone's "talents!" This is hilarious. Your creations are fantastic. Kind of having a bad day here, but I want to thank you for the smile you gave me anyway. And cheers to the person who wins the bag KIT!

P Family said...

This was hilarious... totally worth it to open the comments to get a chuckle. I needed that. Thanks. Love your creations, and cheers to the winner of the bag kit!

MaddyMaze Studio said...

At 47, I can still do the chinese splits! i used to be a cheerleader in high school.

Manoule said...

Hmmm....i'm not that quirky. Does wiggeling my ears without touching them count? The shore bag is so pretty and i'd love to make one. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kaylin Keres said...

wow, just found your site and love it! this bag is adorable!! My husband says that I have "sound-amplifying jaws"...aka, I chew really loud and drive him crazy:)

thanks for the giveaway

Deborah said...

I can almost always tell a person which area of the United States they are from.

Unknown said...

Super cute! My "trick" my fiance calls my feet monkey feet, i can pick up just about anything with my toes.

Unknown said...

I just ordered your pattern.My daughter-in-law found it and wants me to make it. Thank you for making it available. Your blog is wonderful and I look forward to reading more about your delightful family.
Thank you.