Friday, January 13, 2012

Six Months!

     Oh Remi, I just can't believe it's been six months already! I mean, just look at you! You love to blow raspberries until your clothes are soaking wet. You've discovered that it's really funny to pull Sawyer's hair and make him cry. You roll all over the house  and often right into the hearth and then you cry. :) You always stop traffic everywhere we go with those big dark eyes (still not sure the exact color). You try really hard to clap and end up smacking your belly and then you giggle a lot. It's super cute! You suffer stranger anxiety more than most babies and that's probably because I never let you leave my side, but that's ok...for now! :)
     You talk...a lot...a lot....and we listen. Your brothers adore you still and just can't get enough of you. They always make sure your warm and covered and happy. Ruger will bounce around the back of the van making sure you're never sad in your carseat and Sawyer tries to feed you fruit snacks all the time because he's so certain you would enjoy them. And you will, one day. You are tiny and chubby, but not. You are still very much below the growth charts but your legs are chubbier than any chubby baby has ever declared and I love it! You are tender and sweet and bring tears to my eyes with your big gummy grin! We love you chubs and still are so very happy to have you in our little family!


Jessica :) said...

What a sweet post. She is such a pretty girl! I love the photos!

Unknown said...

I can not believe she is already that old!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!

Carlin said...

What sweet pictures. I can't believe how grown up Ruger looks!
Sorry You had to make a tough choice, I hope you have peace in your heart. And your right, you will have plenty of time soon enough : ) You are an awesome mom!