Halloween? Already?
I keep waiting to catch a breath, hoping my days will slow down just for a little while so I can catch up on everything, but it's not happening. I feel like everything is moving so quickly and my boys are just growing up so fast. Last week was filled with pumpkin patches and costume hunting...we've finally settled on Batman and Spiderman...they are sooo excited! Sawyer said, "I love you mum!" for the first time and Ruger, I think is starting to read (either he's learning or memorizing...I'll keep you posted). Between pre-school and play school, friends and the remodel, we're getting into the swing of things and we can finally count down the days to Roni's arrival for Christmas break....super excited! BTW, received this incredible package from her the other day--packed with chocolate and my favorite Amy Butler bag!
We are in charge of treats for Ruger's class and this is what we came up with, it's not incredible, but it's done! That's all I can ask for anymore. I used the scraps from the Hallween totes, it worked out quite nice. Each bag is a 7" by 14" piece of fabric, sewn up each edge, with the corners squared off and then we filled them with candy and tied them with ribbon. Easier than baking cookies!
Easier than baking cookies? Ha! You're hilarious! You're so creative & do such a good job! Oh & Roni comes home in 43 days!
Dang cute bags as always.
SWEET! Cant wait to be back. Only you would say sewing bags is easier than making cookies. LOL
Super cute treat bags! You're so crafty! I can't believe Halloween is just a few days away! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your adorable Batman and Spiderman!
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